Library Tools

Explore the online services our libraries use to provide access to library collections, research and more.

Library Catalog

Our libraries offer over 3 million materials for all ages.  Books, movies, music, audiobooks and so much more.  You can even checkout laptops, board games, recreational equipment and hotspots.


eBooks, eAudiobooks and eMagazines

Overdrive/Libby: This is the county's primary eBook and audiobook lending site.  Download and borrow eBooks for FREE with your library card. Also available as a free app called Libby.

Mobile App

The Capira Mobile App  provides quick access to your library account. You also search the catalog or use it to store your library card number.

Download the app: Android or iOS

Database Library

eLibrary: Over ## of online resources and databases for research, all available for FREE with a library card.

Streaming Music and Videos

Hoopla: Stream FREE music, movies, TV shows and audiobooks with your library card. No waiting in line. all content is always available.


RAD Pass

With RAD Pass, library card holders can access and reserve free or discounted tickets to regional attractions.


Online Library Card Registration

different library card images arranged in a circleAre you a resident of Allegheny County?  Apply for a free Library Card online to take advantage of all these tools for free!